1. To provide the latest business news for what we call "Big Snow Country" which consists of the following counties that are on the South shore of Lake Superior: Gogebic, Ontonagon, Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, Marquette, Alger, and Luce.

2. To provide extensive details about the Quest Accounting and Business Services, which are a set of high quality but remarkably discounted capabilities available to Big Snow Country businesses. We mostly are interested in serving very small and new businesses that are shunned by the big money operaters like the venture capital companies and the huge accounting companies. Specifically, we are most interested in businesses with less than a million dollars in assets and less than a million dollars a year in gross revenues. Even if your assets and revenues are less than $100,000, Quest welcomes the opportunity to provide you with the kind of service you will never get from the much larger companies serving the much larger businesses.

We have the capability and intention to provide "the little guy" with as good or better business service as he could obtain from the "big companies" that definitely don't need and most likely don't want the little guy as a client. We are doing so right now and we have room for a few more clients.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the little guy should not want a business service company that mostly services multi-million dollar companies because the relationship would be like two ships passing in the night and because the prices will be very high relative to what the small business can and should pay.

We invite you to check out the details using pages and posts on this page and of course we also invite you to try a service. You can even try a service for free and see for yourself whether this is "too good to be true" or not.


Currently our work load is roughly 50% of capacity. There is room for a small number of additional clients. The client limit is NOT currently expected to be reached within the next four months. In other words, four months from now, we will most likely still have room for a new client.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Services Available from Quest Business and Accounting Services

Here is a complete outline of most of the services Quest Business and Accounting Services provides. At the highest level, the services are divided into three categories, which correspond to three different rates. All rates are lower than virtually all competitors. Rates for start-ups and new businesses less than three years old located in Michigan counties that border Lake Superior are heavily discounted, extremely low, and guaranteed to be much lower than all competitors. See the “Rates and Discounts” page for complete details.

--Business Consulting
     --Business consulting and planning for start-ups and for existing businesses
          --Business plan showing you the economic feasibility of your proposal
          --Pro forma or projected income statements and balance sheets
          --Pro forma or projected cash flow statements
          --Pro forma or projected investor performance: IRR, ROI, NPV, etc.
          --Exactly how much business you need to break even
          --Strategy, Tactics, and everyday tips for your new or existing business
          --Strategic partnership formation

     --Financial consulting and planning
          --Business plan customized for a bank or any other potential investor
          --Personal financial consulting and planning for the small business owner
               --For example, a specific acquisition of financing plan
                    --Whether, when, and how to correctly apply for sources of funds
                         --From community banks
                         --From regional banks
                         --From mega banks
                         --From SBIC / SBA loans
                         --From angel investors
                         --From venture capital companies
                         --From sources of grants
                    --In general, how to best attract venture capital
                    --Custom business plan for any of the above sources
          --Compare and contrast pros and cons of various sources of funds
          --Grant proposals for businesses that might qualify for a grant
          --Direct financial arrangements with vendors
          --Economies of scale
          --Business valuation
          --Insurance and risk management consulting
          --Advice on how to manage cash shortages and financial difficulties

     --Accounting consulting
          --Consulting and training on how to use Quick books, Turbo Tax or, at
               our option, another accounting and/or tax software

     --Compliance with regulations
          --Find out exactly what regulations you need to be concerned with
               --Owners sometimes overestimate how restrictive a regulation is
               --Owners sometimes imagine regulations that don’t really exist
          --We will assist you wherever possible with complying
          --Business plans for special permits

     --Operations consulting and planning
          --Your strategic and optimized line of products and services
          --Pricing based on sound economics, marketing, and competitive analysis
          --Location analysis including detailed demographics
          --Scheduling of services
          --Establishing maximum possible value for the clients and customers
          --Property and equipment management including storage

     --Buying or selling your business
          --Merger and acquisition consulting for small and very small businesses
          --Selling all or part of a small or very small business
          --Buying all or part of a small or very small business

--Basic Accounting and Bookkeeping
     --Chart of Accounts—complete and correct
     --Traditional and important bookkeeping for all accounts
     --Income Statements and Balance Sheets
          --Income accounts correct and complete
          --Expense accounts correct and complete
          --Asset accounts
               --Accounts Receivable
                    --All accounts receivable correctly maintained and valued
                    --Statements (Invoices) for your clients and customers
                    --Collection assistance
          --Liability accounts
               --Accounts Payable
                    --All accounts payable correctly maintained and valued
                    --Bill pay service (we make sure all your bills are paid on time)
          --Owners’ Equity accounts - all properly valued

--Cost Accounting and Budgeting
     --Custom income statements to better show true income
     --Cash Flow Statements and cash flow planning
     --Multi-year financial plans and/or annual budgets
     --Expense reduction plans
     --Multi-year business investment planning (for the expected business life)

--Personal and Business Tax Accounting
     --Personal income tax return preparation and consulting
     --Review of prior years’ tax returns
     --Business income tax return preparation and consulting
          --For example, S-Corporation tax returns preparation and tax consulting
     --Returns are prepared using software of your choice or you can let us choose the software used
     --Quarterly estimated personal income tax payments and filings
     --Business entity recommendations, for example, should you incorporate?
     --A complete state / federal tax calendar is maintained for all clients
     --Tax planning including projections of what you will owe
     --Depreciation and all other records for use in the unlikely event of an audit
     --Business payroll service including all payroll tax filings and payments
          --Note, since payroll is a semi-professional service; rates are even lower

     --Any recordkeeping (not mentioned elsewhere) required for any reason

--Economics Consulting
     --Economics consulting and research to your specifications. The owner-operator of Quest Services is
          both an accountant and an economist.

--Computer and Internet Consulting
     --Hardware Consulting
          --Limited to basic consulting; we do not fix hardware
          --For example, how to correctly use portable hard drives
     --Software Consulting
          --How to use Accounting and spreadsheet programs
          --Operating system maintenance and repair - keep your computer running fast
     --Malware prevention and malware removal
     --Internet Consulting
          --General Internet consulting, for example, what are the best sites to use?
          --Website consulting
               --We recommend changes in and new features for your website
               --We can design, deploy, and heavily promote a free website for you
               --We do not, however, design and deploy traditional sites hosted fee charging web hosts

--Real Estate Consulting
     --Limited to consulting regarding how to buy very or extremely low cost residential or commercial real
          estate in Big Snow Country
     --Consulting about low cost property will often be free to existing clients
     --We do not do consulting for real estate in general

     --Internet Promotion
     --Traditional Promotion

--Payroll Tax Accounting
     --All payroll tax filings and payments

--Copyright Defense
     --Removal of files from the Internet that violate your copyright rights
     --Reduction of the future incidence of copyright violations
     --We are extremely good at this despite the fact there are very few enterprises offering this service at all;
          please ask for details.

--Order Processing
     --Internet orders
     --Orders via email
     --Phone orders

--Customer Service
     --Via the Internet
     --Via email
     --Via the telephone

Quest produces some and has at its disposal vast informational resources and tools useful for small businesses. All clients are welcome to ask for and receive resources for free or for nominal (token) charges. The “library service” will be especially useful if you wish to participate in and/or assist Quest in the economic and/or the financial management of your business. We can research and report back on specific questions or in some cases we can simply send the whole resource to you in an email attachment.

For example, you could request a custom spreadsheet that will remind you about how many clients or customers you will get by hour, by day, by month, and by year.

As another example, you could request detailed information from a Lasser tax guide book, or from the corresponding IRS instructions book.

There are thousands of other possibilities; we have information resources for probably every possible question related to small business, personal finance, small business computing, personal computing, and related subjects.

● Is a US business service company serving especially New York, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan
● Specializing in and offering huge discounts for start-ups and existing businesses in Michigan counties along the shores of Lake Superior
● Try Quest services for free and see for yourself whether the extremely low rates yet high quality service are too good to be true

To get started, email Quest at bigsnowbusiness@gmail.com

You can ask questions about services and/or begin services via email, via phone, or both; it’s your choice. If you want to be called, include your phone number and the best time to reach you in your email.

OR you can start by calling 646-350-6612 and leaving a very short message. Note that this is an Internet phone service number and, due to phone service limitations, the area code does not match the area code for the location of the business, which is 906.

You will be called back soon after. Since we don’t bother with a toll-free number, we like to call you so that in most cases you won’t pay toll charges except for whatever you paid for the very short call where you left a very short message. Consulting conversations sometimes run over an hour long and we don’t want clients to pay for telephone long distance toll charges so we call them back.



Money you Save if you use Quest Accounting and Business Services

1. Click "1:1" at the top.
2. Flip Pages using the control at the bottom.
3. Click "1:1" at the top again.
4. Drag and drop to actually read the newspaper. This means you press the left click of the mouse and do not release it but hold it down instead. Then you move the mouse in order to see the newspaper so that you can read it.

This is not easy, but it beats trying to hunt the newspaper down by car!